‘The Divine Alignment Code’™ for anyone who is feeling a sense of disconnection, that life lacks meaning, and you want to feel more joy, contentment, hope and certainty.

This amazing one-on-one coaching program was specifically downloaded to serve my Contemporary Goddesses for when you’re feeling lost, frustrated, discontent, hopeless or disconnected from your true Self. As a Contemporary Goddess, you're a professional, educated, high-achieving, successful woman. • You want to be more balanced, because you've been working in a masculine-focused world, and you feel like you're constantly working hard, focused only on your mind - not your heart. • You've been running on the hamster wheel, not resting; just going, going, going. • You've probably not been honouring the cycles of your body for years. • Your boundaries are constantly being pushed and you've been over-giving to others which, honestly, makes you feel resentful. • You feel guilty because on the surface you "have it all" ... but there is something missing. And now you're looking for a spark of light, spiritual re-connection and the answer to the seeker question: "Is this all there is?" ... What you're wishing for is true contentment and meaning in your life. I'll introduce you to the code designed for you to RESET, KNOW yourself deeply and ALIGN with your divine being. It’s a 5-step process: A – is for acknowledging where you are and clearing away the past L – is for love acts and rituals to take care of yourself. I – is for intuitive skills to grow your self-trust. G – is for getting guidance and self-knowledge. N – is for nurturing your future vision. By using simple mind-body-spirit alignment techniques, I will guide you to reconnect and remember your true Divine Self so that you’ll feel more hope, certainty, peace, joy and meaning.


“I’ve worked with Pip consistently over many years. She was the key person to help me when I was ready to take that step from being curious about all things spiritual to actually understanding what it’s all about. She also gave me tools and strategies to bring the practice into my own life. The difference this has made to my life is something I can’t even put into words! And that’s all parts of my life – family, relationships, health, business, finances, and of course my overall well-being. It's also introduced me to a like-minded community which is something that’s been missing for me. As a business advisor, spirituality is not always part of my day-to-day experience or conversations, which means that sometimes I forget to practice my skills. Not surprisingly, whenever I find myself feeling stressed, anxious, or that things are out of control, it’s when haven’t been practising the simple skills I’ve learned. Most of these skills are easy and don’t take up a lot of time, but when you’re not in the environment on a regular basis, it can be easy to forget to automatically reach for them. I guess it’s like going to the gym – if you stop going, you lose muscle. One of the best decisions I’ve made recently was signing up for ‘The Divine Alignment Code’™ program. Not only was it an amazing refresher of the teachings, tools and skills, but it also brought everything back to the front of mind and into my day-to-day life. And so now, I sleep significantly better and well before becoming stressed, I’m remembering to easily reach for things like meditation, EFT, calling on guidance, intuition, mediumship and so much more. I highly recommend the ‘The Divine Alignment Code’™ for anyone who is feeling a sense of disconnection and that life lacks meaning and wants to feel more joy, contentment, hope and certainty." Caren Hendrie; (Australia) - Business Growth Advisor & Trainer, International Speaker, Best-selling Author, Business(es) Owner, Corporate trainer, Awarded ‘A Female Entrepreneur to Watch’ by Woman Entrepreneur Magazine.

What's it costing you?

You might think that you don’t have the time or the money to do the Divine Alignment Coaching right now, and I would like to ask you to think about what is it costing you to NOT do it? What is it costing you in your relationships? Your work? Your health? Your self-worth? Your spirituality? If you are feeling resentful, frustrated, hopeless, lost, angry and frankly … unbalanced in your mind, body and spirit, everything around you will be presenting in that way too. The fact is your outer world reflects your inner world. How much longer can you go on at this pace? How much more can you honestly take on? Seriously, how much are you spending on medications, food or alcohol to numb yourself? You don’t have to keep going like this. The Divine Alignment Code will allow you to realign, take back your power and give yourself the gift of extreme self-care that will change the way you live your life. We all need to feel that our life has meaning, so now is the time to reclaim that knowledge and power! THE DIVINE ALIGNMENT CODE WILL ALLOW YOU TO REALIGN WITH THE DIVINE, TAKE BACK YOUR POWER AND GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF EXTREME SELF-CARE, PEACE OF MIND, AND RADICAL REST THAT WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE.


"At my age, and after multiple personal and professional coaching programs, you get to the point where you feel like there’s not much new out there – just new packaging of the same old stuff. Having worked with Pip previously, I was hopeful I might get a few new tools out of her Divine Alignment Coaching sessions. What I didn’t expect was to end EVERY session saying: “WOW - if that was the only thing I got out of this entire program it was worth every cent”!! New ways of thinking. New ways to put old thoughts and old habits out of commission. I have laughed, I have cried, I have re-examined my beliefs (no mean feat given I am almost 50). I have been provided tools I can immediately put into practice and provided a framework to look at what’s really driving my behaviours – and then best of all what I can do next! I can honestly say this is program is part spiritual enlightenment, part intervention, part therapy and part a how to re-architect your life framework. I would literally rate this among the top 5 things I have ever spent money on. Thanks Pip. I feel SO blessed to have found you." Sharon – Executive IT Manager

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

  • 2

    Module 1 - Accept and Acknowledge

    • Module 1 - Introduction

    • Module 1 - Lesson 1 - Who are you? Ego, Personality and Soul

    • WORKSHEET - Questions for Self-Enquiry (text doc)

    • Module 1 - Lesson 2 - Intro to Tapping

    • Module 1 - Lesson 3 - Angels and Archangels

    • List of Archangels

    • Module 1 - Lesson 4 - Clearing and Preservation

    • Module 1 - Lesson 5 - Call your power back

    • Module 1 - Lesson 6 - Celebrate Your Successes

    • Module 1 - Soul Inspired Action

    • Tapping video - It's not safe for me to change and be the real me

    • Meditation - The voice of love and the voice of fear (audio only)

    • Meditation to call in your guardian angels - audio only

    • Meditation to call on the Archangels - audio only

    • Archangel Michael Vaccuming Technique (audio only)

    • Morning Tapping for stress and overwhelm (14 mins) audio and script

    • Evening Tapping for stress and overwhelm (12 mins) audio and script

  • 3

    Module 2 - Love Acts

    • Module 2 - Introduction

    • Module 2 - Lesson 1 - List of Love Acts

    • Module 2 - Tapping on the belief that it's selfish to seek pleasure

    • Module 2 - Lesson 2 - Stop people pleasing!

    • WORKSHEET - Saying 'no' is powerful self-care

    • Module 2 - Lesson 3 - Forgiveness is a love act

    • Ho'oponopono story and mantra by Joe Vitale (text doc)

    • Module 2 - Soul Inspired Action

    • Grounding Visualisation Process (4 mins)

    • Bring Love To Yourself meditation (6 mins)

    • Loving Treatment tapping meditation (8 mins)

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    Module 3 - Intuition Reboot

    • Module 3 - Introduction

    • Module 3 - Lesson 1 - The Clairs

    • Module 3 - Lesson 2 - Third Eye Opening

    • Module 3 - Lesson 3 - Oracle Card Reading

    • Module 3 - Lesson 4 - Soul Healing Letters

    • Module 3 -Tapping on Forgiving Others

    • Module 3 - Tapping on Self Forgiveness

    • Module 3 - Soul Inspired Action

    • BONUS - Archangel Haniel meditation to improve clairvoyance - 13 mins (audio)

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    Module 4 - Guidance and Guides

    • Module 4 - Introduction

    • Module 4 - Lesson 1 - Departed Loved Ones

    • WORKSHEET - Signs from Departed Loved Ones

    • Module 4 - Meditation to meet your departed loved ones (10 mins)

    • Module 4 - Lesson 2 - Animal Spirit Guides

    • Meditation to meet your Animal Spirit Guides (19 mins)

    • Module 4 - Lesson 3 - Past / Other Lives

    • Past Life Meditation journey - Pip (with QE and BW scripts) audio_only

    • Module 4 - Soul Inspired Action

    • Module 4 - Tapping - love, peace, light, angels and guides

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    Module 5 - Nurturing your future vision

    • Module 5 - Introduction

    • Module 5 - Lesson 1 - Juicy List and Happy Kid Post-Its

    • Module 5 - Lesson 2 - Questions for Life Purpose

    • WORKSHEET - Questions for Life Purpose (text doc)

    • Module 5 - Lesson 3 - The Why of Your Life

    • WORKSHEET - The WHY of your life (text doc)

    • Module 5 - Lesson 4a - Creating your vision board

    • WORKSHEET - Vision Board Manifesting

    • Module 5 - Lesson 4b - Tapping for manifesting

    • Module 5 - Lesson 5 - Hidden Symmetry Numerology

    • Module 5 - Soul Inspired Action

    • Ideal Life Meditation - audio

    • Meditation on gratitude (the things that make me smile)

  • 7

    You 7-day divine action plan

    • How to continue to align with the divine every day!

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    Extra Resources

    • Inspirational Literature List (text doc)

    • Inspirational Music and Meditations (text doc)

    • The five languages of love (by Gary Chapman)

    • What's your learning style? Visual, Auditory, Read/Write or Kinesthetic (text doc)

    • Your communication style Quiz (text doc)